January 28, 2014

10 Reasons Why Health Care Workers Get Sick

We clean everything we can get our hands on, but we still get sick. While cleaning everything be great for fighting off those nasty bugs that can wreak havoc on your immune system, there really is some truth to the saying, “Too much of a good thing is bad.”

Here are the top ten reasons why health care workers get sick:

1. Not Washing Our Hands
We sure don’t practice what we preach all the time do we? C’mon admit it. Do you wash your hands every single time you go in and out of every patient room? Before and after every contact?
Also, are you washing your hands after each contact with a patients chart? How about the bedside glucometer?

2. Not Enough Sleep
Research has proven that sleep deprivation will lower your immune system. But, even without research on my side, think about how you and your body felt after not sleeping well for just one night! How about a whole string of nights during the week?

3. Too Much Work
Go right ahead and work those extra shifts. While your paycheck is inflating, your energy reserve is deflating. Guess what happens to your immune system when you get run down? Hey, don’t get me wrong, I like the overtime as much as the next nurse, but there has to be a balance between the extra shifts and taking care of yourself.

4. Not Drinking Enough Fluids

For More Reasons and Original Article

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