January 28, 2011

Your Employees Should Be Begging To Do This

This afternoon I had the pleasure of delivering an impressive Valentine's Day arrangement to a resident. She had been quietly enjoying her Saturday, which consisted mostly of sitting in her recliner watching television and waiting for dinner. Suddenly, though, I popped around the corner holding a lovely bouquet from the local florist. It was an event, and one we both enjoyed.

I work with a great Director who sometimes laments that she misses the days when she was able to work more directly with the residents. You've heard your managers voice similar concerns, reflecting on their former roles in direct care positions and supervisory roles. As a department leader or Administrator in a CCRC setting though, these daily opportunities are rarely included in your job description. You must seek them out; they probably won't just come to you. Even as a leader, as a manager, as a Director, you must connect with the residents you serve. Especially as a leader.

So I grab these flowers from the reception desk as I scoot in this morning. Sure, they probably already called down to the nurses station when the flowers arrived, and someone on the other end said they'd be down when they had a moment. I may even pass them on the way down. But c'mon, this is no chore! I'm heading that way anyways, so I'll just take those flowers, Nancy!

Read the rest of this blog here:  http://nursinghomeguy.blogspot.com/2010/02/your-employees-should-be-begging-to-do.html

1 comment:

  1. Now that is just sweet. I can't even remember the last time I sent anyone flowers on valentines day. That is very noble of you. Good job.
