Now that the holiday season is behind us, many people have turned their thoughts to New Year's resolutions. The new year is a great time to take stock of things and set yourself on the right path to achieve your goals over the next 12 months. What about the residents in your care? The best ways to stick to a resolution are to enjoy what you're doing and to have people hold you accountable. Who better than the people you see every day? Find out what your residents' goals are, too. If they can't think of anything, you could suggest something like attending two group activities a week, or making a point of calling or writing a letter to a family member. It'll give you something to talk about, and you can support each other in your new routines. Whether you want to add 30 minutes of exercise to your day, or read a book a month, you can make it fun and easy to achieve by sharing accomplishments and encouragement with your coworkers and residents.
Need more ideas? Check out these links for more.
Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors & Caregivers (and how to achieve them)
New Year's Resolutions for Seniors
Top Five New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors and their Families
cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by Captain Kimo - "Back in Florida"
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