April 11, 2013

Tips to Improve and Maintain Your Eyesight

It’s easy to take your eyesight for granted but it is a sense that you should work diligently to protect. Like most things, your eyesight is something you don’t really notice until its gone—which is something you want to keep from happening for as long as possible. Here are some of the best ways to do that.

Start Early
The earlier you start working to keep your eyes healthy, the more likely you will be to reduce your risk of problems later on. Luckily, the steps you need to be taking in your daily life are, for the most part, the same things you need to do to keep the rest of your body healthy as well. Eat a healthy and balanced diet that is low in saturated fats but that contains a good amount of unsaturated fat. Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Get regular exercise to increase blood flow and improve your circulation. Get plenty of sleep. You know, the usual.

Visit the Optometrist (or Ophthalmologist) Regularly
Seeing your eye doctor at least once a year is important. If you wait until something seems off or wonky you decrease your chances of being able to correct or fix the thing that is making your vision weird. For example, macular degeneration, when caught early can be treated and slowed down and, hopefully (if caught early enough) kept from progressing from the early stages to the more advanced stages of the disease. Don’t wait until you are older to start getting your vision checked regularly. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

For the Rest of this Original Article.

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