February 4, 2016

Returning to Work After Baby

Adjusting to life after having a baby is not easy. On top of learning how to take care of this tiny human, you also have to learn to juggle the numerous responsibilities you had before becoming a mother for the first, second or third time.

Some employers offer family or maternity leave for their colleagues who recently had children. The standard time off for a new mother is typically 6 weeks. During this time, the new working mom is allowed to spend this allotted break to bond with her new family, make arrangements for childcare, and (most importantly) rest.

Many of my friends are just now becoming mothers, and it appears we all “decided” to hop on this bandwagon at the same time in our late 30s.  But while they come from different walks of life, one thing I recognized about all of my girlfriends who returned to work after having a baby is just how difficult it really is.The main source of unease was not having to go back to work per se, but having to leave their new little one with a nanny, family member or in day care.

Fore More and Original Article.


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